For writers who want to get published and want to get paid.

See how the Writer’s Mission Control Center can help you organize every aspect of your writer’s life, so you can get your work out into the world.

From disorganized to organized

Store and retrieve everything from all your story ideas to your publications, pitches, and contacts.

From frightened to figured out

Trackers make sure nothing falls through the cracks and you take care of your writing life.

From dumpster fire to clear plan

Create a vision and a plan so you know what you need to do each day.

How the Writer’s Mission Control Center helps you work faster:

  • Reports and metrics help you feel confident you’re on track.

  • No more Googling yourself to find links to your work.

  • Prioritize to ignore the noise and focus on what’s important.

  • Create a plan to feel more able to focus on the work.

Overview and Getting Started

The Writer’s Mission Control Center can do it all, so don’t feel like you have to use everything!

The sections are based on three aspects of the writing life:

Being A Writer

This is your private practice. You, your pen, your computer, your books. No one can ever take this away from you.

Sections in Being a writer:

  • Dashboard

  • Writer’s Profile

  • Creative Works

Getting Published

Pitches, queries, rejection, rejection, acceptances! You may publish for money or for personal fulfillment.

Sections in Getting published:

  • Publications List

  • Submission Tracker

  • Submission Factory

Your Writing Career

If you plan to make a living off writing, publishing, teaching, freelancing, and hustling. This is the area for you.

Sections in Your writing career:

  • Contacts

  • Companies & Orgs

  • Pitch Writer

  • Projects'

  • Project Manager

  • Opportunities

  • Clients

Get a tour from founder Paulette Perhach:

Sections included

🎛️ My Dashboard

Take a moment to appreciate your progress! See how many submissions you’ve sent, how many ideas you have waiting to blossom, or how many pieces you have ready to submit. Sit back and watch as your writing work grows. Sometimes when we’re in the thick of things, we forget to stop and celebrate the accomplishments we’ve made. This overview is populated by other sections of the app. Now you can get back to writing with a new appreciation for how far you’ve come.

📣 Pitch Writer

Crafting a strong pitch can be challenging, but it's essential for getting published. Simplify the process with this form. Fill out the fields to generate a powerful pitch, then send it off to potential publishers. You don't need to complete every field, but the more information you provide, the stronger your pitch will be.

📬 Submission Log

Keep track of your submissions to ensure your work is reaching its full potential. Log each submission you make, including what you sent and when. This information helps you follow up on submissions and avoid simultaneous submissions.

🏭 Submission Factory

Save time and streamline your submission process! Generate a submission letter with ease by filling out this form. If you've already completed the Pitch Writer for the story, select the publisher you want to send it to, and generate the letter. Then simply copy and paste it into your email.

📇 My Contacts

Your network is essential to your success. Keep track of everyone you know in the writing industry in this section. Whenever you meet someone new, enter their information here, including their name and role.

🗞 Publications

If you don't have a list of the publications you want to be in, it's like shooting without a target. Without filling out this section, you might have to waste time thinking, "Now which publications did my friend recommend again?" Whenever you learn about a new publication, put the information in here. Most important information is the title, submission requirements, and reading periods, if they have them.

🧭 My Opportunities

Stay on top of potential opportunities with this section. Track interesting calls for pitches, invitations to submit work, and any other opportunities that come your way. Make sure to include the relevant details and the person or company it's with.

🗄 My Creative Works

You have a library of original pieces created by the one and only you. Never know when one might come in handy. Losing the draft of that brilliant [insert manuscript, book, essay, poetry] because you were too lazy to keep a record of it. Enter all the deets of each piece.

👤 My Writer Profile

This section provides information that will auto populate other areas of the sheet. Fill this out first to customize your drop-down menus, such as the forms of your creative pieces. If anything doesn’t apply, leave it blank. Fill in your contact info, writing forms, the kinds of projects you on, and your favorite writing themes.

🗂 My Projects

Organize the workflow and process of projects such as assignments and applications here. Don’t miss an important deadline or forget to invoice for work done! Enter each assignment or project you are working on, the stage it’s at, and when it’s due.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Writer's Mission Control Center?

A system that will give you a place to track everything you’ll want to keep straight over the life of your writing career, from your submissions to your reading list.

Yeah but what, what *is* it?

A web app to help you keep track of everything about your writing life, designed by Paulette Perhach.

How do I get my copy?

Click the button at the top right that says “Get yours here!”

Who is the Writer's Mission Control Center for?

It’s for any writer who wants a place to organize everything about their writing life, so they can focus on the writing part.

What will the Writer's Mission Control Center help me track?

  • Your creative work: how many ideas, drafts, and published pieces you have

  • Your deadlines: either for projects, such as applications, or assignments

  • Your reading, both things you are reading or want to read

  • The people you meet in the industry

  • The publications you want to be published in

  • When and where you submit your work

What does the Writer’s Mission Control Center not do?

It’s not a writing software, like Scrivener (though we’re fans!)

It’s not a to do list app.

It’s not an accounting software, though we help you track how much you get paid for certain types of work.

How do I know my information is secure?

Ok deep breath. Prepare for a technical deluge from our developer, who got his master’s degree in cybersecurity:

Passwords to the application are not stored. Passwords are hashed and salted before storage and so even with access to these stored hashes, it would be statistically impossible for the passwords to be reverse engineered.

All data is stored in a cloud database which is hosted by Google. Security rules have been set up which only allows access by single account, and only using OAuth2 authentication. This comes with the security of a Google Database, under an account protected by multi factor authentication. This way we do not handle the data, and the database access rules are tried and tested as a part of the service provided by Google. As such, we have a service level agreement with them for the database service.

The entire database is backed once every 24 hours, and the data is saved in a Google Cloud storage. This is left untouched until either it is needed, or it is deleted. We currently have a 30 day rolling backup in place.