Writing Is A Lonely Business - But It Doesn't Have To Be!

Pop-Up Writing Retreat
at the
Flatiron Writers Room
Saturday, April 5, 2025
$100.00 ($130.00 w/massage add-on)

Hosted by Maggie Marshall and Heather Newton

Flatiron Writers Room at 5 Covington Street, West Asheville

This Day is for You and Your Writing…

Join us in person at the Flatiron Writers Room in West Asheville for a day-long retreat that includes communal writing, time for yourself, an individual session with novelist Heather Newton or screenwriter and novelist Maggie Marshall, and fellowship with other participants. You can also add on an optional neck and shoulder 'Writer's Massage" with one of our resident professional massage therapists (massage tickets limited). 

All-day retreat schedule:

9:00-9:30am  This day is for You and Your Writing. Get settled, get coffee or tea and a pastry, meet other participants, sign up for a time for your individual meeting with Heather or Maggie and your optional 20-minute “Writer’s Massage” – a neck, head and shoulder massage by a professional massage therapist.

9:30-10:15am  Introductions and guided writer’s meditation or writing prompt.

10:15am-12:30pm  Individual writing time. You’ll be writing in proximity to others, with your cell phone turned off (we will have internet but we won’t tell you the password unless you specifically request it). Please respect your fellow writers by being quiet during writing time. We’ll provide a telephone number where your loved ones can reach you by text in a genuine emergency. It may help you to come prepared with a personal goal or task that you’d like to tackle this morning.

12:30-1:30pm  Lunch - a communal lunch hour to chat and get to know your fellow writers. Please plan to bring your lunch or take advantage of the many take-out options nearby (we’ll have a list) - or lunch on your own if you prefer.

1:30 pm-4pm  Individual writing time. Need a prompt? A craft book? We’ll have both available for you in the Flatiron Writers Room. Also during this time, slip out for your optional massage.

4pm   Pencils down. Congratulate yourself for a day well spent bending words to your will.

4pm-5pm  Join your fellow writers for a glass of wine or beer or a non-alcoholic beverage and let us know how your day went.

Throughout the day (10:15am-4pm):

Meet Heather or Maggie at your assigned time, to talk about whatever you want. Is a character giving you trouble? Need to make a choice about point of view? Want to talk about how to find an agent or have your query letter reviewed? Need to commiserate about lack of time to write? This twenty minutes is for you to use in any way you wish.  

Throughout the day, we will be available at the Flatiron Writers Room if you have questions or needs. We’ll provide snacks and beverages, and let us know if you need anything.

A 20-minute “Writer’s Massage” will be provided in the afternoon for an additional $30 fee (gratuity included) to those who register for it, courtesy of Robert Kochka, licensed massage therapist from Asheville Massage Center, one of Heart House’s licensed massage therapy centers. 

The Flatiron Writers Room reserves the right to cancel the retreat if not enough people sign up, in which case you will receive a full refund.

You may cancel your registration up until 7 days prior to Retreat for a full refund. After that date, no refunds will be made.


Questions? Email us at flatironwritersroom@gmail.com
We look forward to seeing you!