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Wednesday, November 6, 2024, 6:00pm-9:00pm ET, In-Person, Flatiron Writers Room, 5 Covington St. Asheville NC 28806

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Scenes are the bread and butter of narrative; they are how we “show” instead of “tell.” And in this 3-hour class, we will consider the many things that go into writing a brilliant scene. But unlike a film or a play, scene is not all fiction and nonfiction writers have to work with. Summary, like backstory and flashback, is an indispensable tool that all skilled writers use to pace their narratives, build character, and create a sense of rhythm and tension. In this class we will look closely at the art of summary—how and when and why to use it. Then, with published texts as our guides, we will examine the various ways in which summary can be used not only between scenes, but also within scenes to create a compelling sense of dynamic and narrative vibrancy.  

Suitable for intermediate to advanced writers of fiction and nonfiction, this class will be a blend of lecture, discussion, and writing exercises. Though not necessary, participants are encouraged to bring works-in-progress to workshop.

Alex McWalters is a writer, musician and educator based in Asheville. He plays percussion for River Whyless, and is an adjunct professor of Creative Writing at UNC-Asheville. He holds an MFA in Fiction from Warren Wilson and has served as the Warren Wilson MFA Residency Fellow since 2020. He serves on the board of Punch Bucket Lit, an Asheville literary nonprofit. Songs by River Whyless have been featured on, or in, NPR’s All Things Considered, Tiny Desk, World Café, and The Washington Post. His fiction and nonfiction has appeared, or is forthcoming, in Nimrod International, New Carolina Literary Review Dogwood Journal, No Depression, Paste Magazine, The Bluegrass Situation and has been named a finalist for the James Hurst Fiction Prize, The Dogwood Fiction Prize, and the NCLR Doris Betts Fiction Prize. He can be found online @alex_mcwalters, @riverwhyless and